Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance
Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance

Internal Steelwork with High Humidity

Reason for use: Protection of condensation corrosion in area such as swimming pools, breweries, wineries, pasteurising plants etc.

The roof structure of an up-to-date dispatch department situated at the premises of a brewery was treated for anti-corrosive protection using one of the Metallisation Flame Spray systems.

The structure, manufactured from mild steel, consists of 400 frames each 0.914m2 (3ft) square, assembled by means of joining brackets.

The protective system employed was as follows: grit blasted to SA3 standard, flame metal sprayed with zinc to 75 microns (0.003”) nominal thickness followed by an olive green inhibitive sealer Zn3/a. The sealer provided an adequate decorative finish without the need for further coats of paint.

For more Metal Spraying on Iron & Steel applications, Click Here.