Waste Water Pumps
Pump Sleeve as Shown in Service
Industry: Waste Treatment
Product: Rokide®
Material: Rokide® "C" Chrome Oxide Ceramic Spray Rods.
(Left) Worn Sleeve that has been taken Out of Service. (Right) Worn Area to be Repaired with Rokide® "C" Coating.
The treatment of waste water involves pumps operating 24 hours a day under very demanding conditions. The water used to transport abrasive solids is corrosive in nature, making pump maintenance a considerable drain of both time and money.
The normal mode of failure is leaking from the gland area as a result of wear and corrosion of the shaft. This can be overcome short-term by tightening of the packing gland, but, over time the leak path redevelops, leading to the pump being removed for overhaul.
One simple solution has led to major reductions in downtime and the associated cost savings by utilising Rokide® "C" (Chrome Oxide) to coat the pump shaft sleeves.
For this application, Rokide® "C" ceramic spray coating was recommended.
The parts are coated and then finished to a 16 to 17 RMS. The treatment plant where this application took place now has 14 of their 19 pumps coated with Rokide® "C". The first of the Rokide® "C" coated pump sleeves put into operation was still working well through continual use in its fourth year. The plant coat the balance of their pump sleeves when they need to be repaired.
Rokide® "C" Coated Sleeve Installed into Pump Assembly. Sleeve has been Coated and Ground to Achieve Dimensional Fit and Finish.
This application has prevented downtime and pollution control in waste water treatment plants.