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Airport Baggage Docks
Several terminal baggage docks have been metal sprayed with a 28E Non-Slip coating at an international airport.
The same coating has also been used on airport walkways to provide a non-slip surface for passengers.
A 28E coating is a thermally sprayed coating that can be applied with a rough texture and has excellent non-slip properties, while being extremely hard and resistant to wear.
The coating provides:
- A suitable level of grip to avoid personal slips or industrial skidding.
- Comparable corrosion protection to aluminium, as used in aggressive environments.
- Easy application by a long-standing process, covered by international standards.
The resultant coating is corrosion resistant and because of its durability, site owners can be confident that once applied, they can forget about rust or slipping for many years. The same coating has also been used on flight decks to dissipate the heat produced by aircraft, all while providing an anti-slip surface to aid with landing.