Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance
Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance

Concrete Mixer Blades

Industry: Cement concrete production.

Concrete Production: Cement powder, water, resins, sand and crushed stones, are mixed together before to be carried-out by special trucks.

Problem: During mixing, blades are subject to severe abrasion from the concrete, wear reduces thus the thickness of the blades up-to breakage. The concrete production center can not be subject to production stop during mixing because it will cause the further solidification of the concrete.

Service Conditions: 

  • Ambient temperature ~20°C to 50°C.
  • Medium corrosion environment.
  • Severe abrasion from the cement.
  • Risk of shocks.

Caution: Usually, the blades of the mixer are manufactured from Chromium cast iron. Due to the low thermal expansion coefficient, the Cr-Cast Iron cannot be directly brazed thanks to the TufCote®. New mixing blades should be manufactured with a construction steel and then brazed with the TufCote®.

Coating Solution: TufCote® Abrasion resistant coating: Tungsten carbide with a metal matrix; 5 mm thickness. Use specifically the TufCote® Grade A 8mm ⌀ (even 6.35mm).

Benefits of the TufCote®

  • TufCote® extends the life time 3 times more than Cr cast iron.
  • Simplicity, easy learning of the brazing procedure make it a possible application on site or in job shop.
  • No capital investment is required to apply the TufCote® brazing flexible cord (only a flame torch is required).
  • Expensive steels are not required to manufacture the blades.
  • Possibility to rebuilt on a coating previously welded.
  • Coarse and angular tungsten carbide grains, for better resistance to abrasion (TufCote® Grade A).

TufCote® Application Procedure:

Preparation of the Piece

  • Surface must be cleaned and free of surface contamination.
  • All edges must be cut by grinding.

Preheating of the Area

  • With oxy-acetylene torch, preheat the piece area to 450°C (840°F).

Prime Cote (if required)

PRIME COTE under layer might be applied about 300μm thick.

  • To avoid oxidation of surface.
  • To increase TufCote® bonding.

Hard-facing Operation

  • The torch flame must form an angle of about 45° with the piece surface to be hard-faced, and TufCote® at a 45° angle to the same surface.
  • The flame must swing from side to side of the weld cladding.
  • TufCote® is then fed through the holder 4-6” at a time.
  • The tip of the cord should not be lowered or lifted during fusion.
  • Speed of cladding is ~2Kg/h.

TufCote® GA Specification:

  • Self Fluxing Matrix: 37 to 40%W.
  • Tungsten Carbides: 60 to 63%W, Particle Size: Grade A within 0.1 to 1.6mm (10-150 mesh).
  • Packaging: Continuous flexible cord coiled on spool. Available diameter 4.75 or 6.35 or 8mm.