Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance
Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance

Centrifugal Fan Blades

Industry: Cement Production

Cement Production: Cement is a mixture of compounds made by burning limestone and clay together at very high temperatures ranging from 1400 to 1600°C. Then, 5% Gypsum could be added.

During mixing procedure and cement powder transportation phases, fans and equipment are subject to severe erosion from the cement powder. Wear reduces thus the thickness of the tools up-to breakage. The cement production plant can not be subject to production stop.

Service Conditions:

  • Ambient temperature ~20°C up to 600°C.
  • Severe erosion from the cement powder.

Note: TufCote® can be used only when the temperature is lower than 600°C.

Caution: Usually, the blades are manufactured from alloyed iron. Due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficient, the alloyed iron cannot be directly brazed thanks to the TufCote®. New mixing blades should be manufactured with a construction steel and then brazed with the TufCote®.

Coating Solution: TufCote® Abrasion Resistant Coating:

  • Tungsten carbide with a metal matrix.
  • 2 to 5 mm thickness.
  • Use specifically the TufCote® Grade A 8mm ⌀ (even 6.35mm) when temperature is closed to ambient temperature.
  • Use TufCote® CO Grade A when temperature is up to 600°C.

Benefits of the TufCote®

  • TufCote® extends the life time 3 times more than alloyed iron.
  • Simplicity, easy learning of the brazing procedure make it a possible application on site or in job shop.
  • No capital investment is required to apply the TufCote® brazing flexible cord (only a flame torch is required).
  • Expensive steels are not required to manufacture the blades.
  • Possibility to rebuilt on a coating previously welded.
  • Coarse and angular tungsten carbide grains, for better resistance to abrasion (TufCote® Grade A).

TufCote® GA Specification

  • Self Fluxing Matrix: 37 to 40%W
  • Tungsten Carbides: 60 to 63%W
  • Particle Size: Grade A within 0.1 to 1.6 mm (10–150 mesh)
  • Packaging: Continuous flexible cord coiled on spool. Available diameter 4.75 or 6.35 or 8mm.