Centrifugal Fan Blades
Industry: Cement Production
Cement Production: Cement is a mixture of compounds made by burning limestone and clay together at very high temperatures ranging from 1400 to 1600°C. Then, 5% Gypsum could be added.
Problem: During mixing procedure and cement powder transportation phases, fans and equipment are subject to severe erosion from the cement powder. Wear reduces thus the thickness of the tools up-to breakage. The cement production plant can not be subject to production stop.
Service Conditions:
- Ambient temperature ~20°C up to 600°C.
- Severe erosion from the cement powder.
Note: TufCote® can be used only when the temperature is lower than 600°C.
Caution: Usually, the blades are manufactured from alloyed iron. Due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficient, the alloyed iron cannot be directly brazed thanks to the TufCote®. New mixing blades should be manufactured with a construction steel and then brazed with the TufCote®.
Coating Solution: TufCote® Abrasion Resistant Coating:
- Tungsten carbide with a metal matrix.
- 2 to 5 mm thickness.
- Use specifically the TufCote® Grade A 8mm ⌀ (even 6.35mm) when temperature is closed to ambient temperature.
- Use TufCote® CO Grade A when temperature is up to 600°C.
Benefits of the TufCote®
- TufCote® extends the life time 3 times more than alloyed iron.
- Simplicity, easy learning of the brazing procedure make it a possible application on site or in job shop.
- No capital investment is required to apply the TufCote® brazing flexible cord (only a flame torch is required).
- Expensive steels are not required to manufacture the blades.
- Possibility to rebuilt on a coating previously welded.
- Coarse and angular tungsten carbide grains, for better resistance to abrasion (TufCote® Grade A).
TufCote® GA Specification
- Self Fluxing Matrix: 37 to 40%W
- Tungsten Carbides: 60 to 63%W
- Particle Size: Grade A within 0.1 to 1.6 mm (10–150 mesh)
- Packaging: Continuous flexible cord coiled on spool. Available diameter 4.75 or 6.35 or 8mm.