Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance
Engineered Surfaces for Exceptional Performance

Sugar Cane Cutters

Industry: Sugar cane production.

Problem: During operation the cutter teeth are subject to severe abrasion resulting from the dry fibrous materials extracted from the cane sugar and also from abrasive sands. Medium load impact can also occur during operation. Once the harvesting period begins, the equipment cannot be stopped for maintenance, thus emphasising the requirement for the equipment to be reliable during the large period.

Equipment Concerned: Teeth of cutters.

Service Conditions: 

  • Ambient temperature ~20°C to 50°C.
  • Medium corrosion environment.
  • Risk of medium shocks.

Caution: Usually, the cutters are manufactured from high tensile strength alloys. Make sure that the alloy to be coated can be hard faced. If the base material to be coated is not compatible with a hard-facing operation, flaking off and excessive cracking can occur.

Coating Solution: Use specifically the TufCote® GN 6.35mm ⌀ or GM 6.35mm ⌀. Thickness 3 to 5mm.

Benefits of the TufCote®:

  • TufCote® brazing alloy extends 2 to 3 times the life.
  • The extension of the life-time allows to make more campaigns of production.
  • Risk of medium shocks.
  • Simplicity, easy learning of the brazing procedure, make it a possible application on site or in job shop.
  • No capital investment is required to apply the TufCote® brazing flexible cord (only a flame torch is required).
  • TufCote® can be applied on construction steel (the hard steels, or special and expensive steels are not required). Cutters could be made from relatively cheap steels.
  • Possibility to rebuilt TufCote® on a cutter previously hard-faced.
  • Coarse and angular tungsten carbide grains, for better resistance to abrasion and a better anchorage of the carbides.

Other Solutions

Contact MSSA for more coating solutions with stick welding electrodes.